Sorry, if I chime in.
I fully understand that someone isn't willing to show the whole concept, doesn't allow files for download and so on, especially as the project is for an art project, probably with some financial interest. And I do not see any democracy in such a thing as every project is wholly the maker's, and he or she (in this case rather "them") has an absolute right to set his own rules. So if there is some hidden part, we simply have to accept that.
Because in the end it's still interesting to see how Zoohead tackles the problem, what obstacles he has to overcome and so on. Also, an internet forum is a place to get help as was the case here.
I myself am very reluctant to show anything in galleries or such a forum, because it's plain no fun to find your own work someplace else (and it's even worse if you hear what someone has paid for it). From my own experience, therefore I'd always advise to be cautious with anything that has a meaning for the maker.
Also, well, a roman forum (and the same is true for the forum romanum), wasn't just a place to discuss political stuff. It could have been a marketplace as well (or only that), something like a court room, and if I remember correctly some relligious rites were celebrated. And the romans aren't a good example for democracy at all.
So, please, zoo, show us as much as you are able and willing to, It's interesting to see how it goes along, how it changes, and what will become of the thing. And I do hope that we will see photos of the finished, real project as soon as possible (and well, if it's not, then we have to accept that as well).
@Helmut: Please don't take any offense. It's just that I happen to respectfully disagree. And I am fully aware that your view is as vallid as mine.