Lathe a spoon

BTW, I noticed that the Monterey 12.3.1 update, among other things, fixed my inability to launch help from the help menu in C3D 7.5.1.

I've newb-pieced things together to mostly make the spoon I want, but I'd like to start from scratch so that I can eliminate the problems, undesirable aspects of the contour, etc. Is there a tutorial that takes me through what I need to be able to do that kind of lathing, shaping? Oh, I didn't make the scoop, I grabbed that from a 3D printing site and changed proportions. Thanks.

I would start with a simple circle
Thanks. Yes, I see that the symmetry of yours is also bilateral, but it appears constrained in more ways than the shape I'm trying to make. In other words, I don't know how to transform the one you've created into the one I'm aiming for, at least not yet.
I´m all ears. ;-)
Well, thanks, but I'm completely lost regarding anything but a simple vase or wine glass (you know, something with completely constrained radial symmetry, and a spoon doesn't have that). Unfortunately, I can't compare to any other implementation of splines in other apps. I've done a spline sweep before, but that doesn't seem appropriate for this. Should the spline be extruded or lathed, then departure artifacts from the radial symmetry be done with booleans or something? I guess I'm lacking any procedural concept for this type of modeling.
Is it about a spoon made from splines exclusively or just building a spoon? For the first case you can use different cross-sections inside the loft creator but building from simple geometry would be so much easier.
I see you're only lathing the handle potion.
This object is made from a spline with three control points.

The Bezier splines Approximation Angle is 1.5.
I made this from the Top View.


You can use Insert Point to add points and alter the geometry.
Because the Approximation Angle is set to 1.5, you will get a very dense mesh on tight curves.

To reduce the high density areas I increased the Approximation Angle to 7.
This will also make the rest of the object chunky and no longer smooth.

To get the smoothness back to these areas just add more points along the spline.

Make all you're changes from the Top View or Front View just not a 3D view.

As far as using symmetry with the Lathe Creator, you can do it but there's no benefit as you get
the same results only with the added complication of two Symmetry Modifiers.

As far as using symmetry with the Lathe Creator, you can do it but there's no benefit as you get
the same results only with the added complication of two Symmetry Modifiers.
Don´t do this as it will double all geometry; it´s the same as lathing a full circle spline.
Of course you first have to lathe only 90 degrees by adjusting the "Angle To" parameter.
Also turn off Weld Points in this case.
