Nice character animation done with Cheetah3D

Ok, I've puzzled my brains, what advantage does it have over scene based?

The advantage is that you cen set up different cameras with completely different render settings. To switch the render settings of a scene just double click on another camera object to make it active.

So you can have different render setups with HDRI, without HDRI, with Radiosity, without and so on. And changing the renderer setup is just a double click with the mouse.

Dammit!!! Martin beat me to it....

And m-style = modo-style...their interactive HDRI rendering is pretty damn cool...

Also, I wasn't advocating Shader trees...I find them pretty confusing, although, yes, they are undeniably powerful...
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Martin, sorry I'll remove Blender from my signature :p . I'm just trying it out for exporting to Indigo Render. Besides it can't hurt to look at other programs. Then you'll appreciate Cheetah even more. Blender might be powerful but Cheetah is more intuitive. A collegae of mine tried cheetah and made a scene within 10 mins. (allright a plane with a chrome ball and a spotlight,, but hey!). I'm posting in the gallery section a thread where I'll try to mimic simple scenes rendered in maxwell or indigo. Everyone can post as well, It could be nice to see what we can do in the fraction of the time!


The advantage is that you cen set up different cameras with completely different render settings. To switch the render settings of a scene just double click on another camera object to make it active.

So you can have different render setups with HDRI, without HDRI, with Radiosity, without and so on. And changing the renderer setup is just a double click with the mouse.


I didn't think of that - that is useful. I'm still locked into the way my old version of Cinema 4D did things! Thanks.

I think if you can implement some nice way of doing shaders, you would get a lot of media interest. Trees are powerful, but require a large mental leap to understand and are heavily science based, which is off-putting for a lot of artists I think. Actually, I can't think of any 3d app that has got "friendly" but flexible shaders.