.jas visibility and scripting

.jas visibility and scripting


Just a suggestion.

I really think you should give visibility in the .jas files when saved as XML.
The current JS functionality in C3D does not fully features accesses and methods to do whatever, it's going to take a long time for you to code this, it may not even be on your priority list... while there are plenty of scripting languages and editors out there to handle text and XML.

Typically, I am creating many instances of an object that is animated regularly. I waste time doing that by hand (duplicating the object, changing it's name, moving key-frames...) while this could be done much faster in a source editor or with few lines of Java/PERL script ! The same would be true with some complex objects or animations.

It's obviously too late for me to highly benefit from that (maybe not quite) but I am sure there will be plenty of modeling guys and animation guys that will appreciate it.

Looking forward

I'm moving the .jas file format more and more to a pure binary format. Currently the binary .jas file format is just an option in the loader preferences but I will probably soon make it the factory setting.

The problem with xml files is that they can become very hugh. I've seen 300 MByte xml .jas files which are just 30 MByte in binary. And that is a serious difference. Such big files also load much faster in their binary flavor.

The reason why I didn't release a F-Curve Javascript API was that I wanted to rewrite the hole animation system. Which I almost finished now. So if I would have released a F-Curve Javascript API those scripts would be broken now.

I will give access to F-Cruve scripting in the future for sure, since I could also image a hundred small helper scripts for animation. But first I have to finish some other task. Sorry.
