tutorial doesn't match my screen

tutorial doesn't match my screen

I followed the tutorial of doing a ball and making a world. First didn't find any material that looked like a world when asked to load texture. Second when I set the rotation to 360 my property box didn't look like the box in the tutorial. And when I played the preview nothing happened and nothing happened when I rendered it. What did I do wrong? Or do I have an older version:frown:
If you go "Menu-> Help-> Cheetah3d Help-> Tutorials-> Hello World"
the screenshots should match for the image loader (image is in the Examples folder coming with the download). The animation screenshots are from a former version - but the process is the same: record a keyframe - move to a next frame in the time line make adjustments to your object - record keyframe etc.

besides tutorials

Besides a tutorial is there a manual for cheetah. I don't seem to see where I can down load one.
figured out what the problem was

I didn't understand one of the steps at the beginning of the tutorial. Then I watched one of the Video Tutorials and found out where I made my mistake or misunderstanding of the instructions. I now have a world that spins on it's axes.:smile: Thanks everyone.