obj import error with max2obj exported file

obj import error with max2obj exported file

I received a file generated from max2obj

begins like this:

# Max2Obj Version 4.0 Mar 10th, 2001
# object (null) to come ...
v -37482.792969 -7536.220703 -58882.402344
v -37449.003906 -7595.616211 -58845.714844
v -36004.558594 -7595.616211 -58498.496094
v -36652.484375 -6409.610352 -59267.902344
v -37775.316406 -6409.610352 -59504.824219
v -37482.785156 -7536.220703 39047.589844


vt 0.726661 0.41209 1.004391
vt 0.726492 0.411384 1.00443
vt 0.71985 0.411382 1.004413
vt 0.723161 0.425493 1.004747


continues for a long time until it gets to the facets bit:

g (null)
s 1
f -5319/-5324 -5320/-5325 -5316/-5321 -5317/-5322
f -822/-827 -821/-826 -5318/-5323 -823/-828
f -1248/-1253 -1247/-1252 -5317/-5322 -5316/-5321
f -5312/-5317 -5311/-5316 -5315/-5320 -5314/-5319
f -819/-824 -818/-823 -5313/-5318 -820/-825


facets uses negative numbers - which cheetah 3d doesnt seem to read correctly - they are used to indicate reverse offsets from current line into the file coordinates - rather than indices from beginning of the file.
you are right. I forgot to implement negative indices. Until now I never encountered them so they seem quite rare. But I've implemented negative indices into the Cheetah3D .obj file loader. So with Cheetah3D 3.3 your .obj file should load.

Could you nevertheless mail me a example file with negative indices for testing since I don't own one by myself.
