UV unwrapping tutorial (pig)

UV unwrapping tutorial (pig)

Using Cheetah3D 5.5 (in demo mode) - I am doing the "UV unwrapping" exercise found under the help menu. When I view the poly mesh it is much more dense then the one pictured in the tutorial. So I used the loop select tool to select all the edges down the center (selected from the under-belly of the pig). I wonder why this mesh is more dense than the one in the tutorial?

Then, after setting this as a seam, I end up with this UV map.

There are two questions that come to mind here - and please forgive my newbi-ness here, this probably has a simple answer..

1. Looking at the screenshot - I have an arrow pointing to a place where the UV map extends off the right edge - this, I assume, is not good. So how do I correct for this?

2. I went with the default loop-select result, and when I rotate the model so I can see the selections on top of the pig here's what I get. I have arrows pointing to the two loop-selection endpoints. Since the tutorial did not show the top of the pig, I am not sure how to complete this exercise, since the ears do not seem to be overlapping - which is discussed in the tutorial.

I am wondering if Cheetah3D was at an earlier version when the tute was created, and it is better at dealing with overlaps now, or if I just got lucky, or .. well, .. something else is going on here?​
Hi Mendocinotim,
Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy the program.
I'm still a newb so I don't know much about uv unwrapping (I'm just starting to try it out myself). As for the dense mesh on the pig though, I think you're using a different pig than in the tutorial. If you open your Cheetah app folder, you can then go to 'examples' then 'tutorial scenes' and the file you want is called 'unwrap'.
I hope that helps out with one of your questions anyway ;)
Thank you Erin..

I think you're right, I was using one of the example files with the word "pig" in it.
Who would have guessed it was named "unwrap"! :redface:

You just never know!
I played around with the 'unwrap' file and couldn't get it to do anything like in the tutorial. But, like I said, I know pretty much nothing about unwrapping uvs:rolleyes: