Keboard Equivalents for Mac

Keboard Equivalents for Mac

I'm just learning the interface so my apologies if this is obvious. Right now I can't get the zoom function working. In the beginner help page, Martin describes key combinations for one-button mice, using alt+ (whatever). What is the equivalent of alt for a Mac in Cheetah? I've tried using the Option key, but that doesn't seem to work. Are there other Mac equivalents we Mac users should know about?

Thanks -
The Alt key is the one between the ctrl and the command (apple) key. Alt = Option key. Strange that it doesn't work for you. Are you keeping the Alt key pressed while clickhold and drag to fly around the scene? Or maybe your keyboard has a wrong setting (DVORAK) or something. Good luck!


Eric Olson said:
I've tried using the Option key, but that doesn't seem to work. Are there other Mac equivalents we Mac users should know about?

Did you try changing the Preferences>Mouse setting? I use a three button McAlly mouse, but prefer the One Button navigation setting....