Powerful tool

Powerful tool

I use Autocad as a student, and it has some interesting 3d abilities. Now not to compare your product with Autocad, since Autocad isn't geared for modeling, but it does have a few features that you might want to consider.

Namely, one very powerful feature, is the subtract tool. Since Autocad treats 3d models as solid objects, rather than surfaces, you often need to literally machine the model. One way of doing this is the subtract tool. Basically, you create whatever 3d model, and then you create another model. You overlap the models, and subrtact one from the other, The result is, whatever part of the first model was overlapping the second gets subtracted from the second, leaving an imprint of the second model into the first. This even works with extremely complex shapes. I know similar things can occur with the boolena tool, but subtraction would actually modify the original object. Let me know what you think, and if I explained this well enough.

The other is the add tool, which is quite the opposite, but it is not quite the same as a normal extrude. It adds the shape of the second oject, the part that doesn't overlap onto the original. This would likely not be as useful, since you can already import children, but could be used if you don't want overlapping models.

Either one of these tools would result in new edges and vertexes at the points where the models meet. After the subtract or add tools were completed, the second object, could then be moved or deleted.

Maybe I misunderstood, but what's different than this ?
(to modify A into A-final, double-click on the boolean icon in the object browser; same for B obviously)


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