Magnifying Glass Challenge

Magnifying Glass Challenge

A new challenge is upon us. What I would like to see is your best model/render of a magnifying glass. Use whatever props you want. I will be reviewing this one in a little over a week.


- All modeling, lighting, and rendering must be done in Cheetah3D.
- No textures, etc., can be in violation of copyright materials.
- Have fun!

As usual, the winning submission will be posted on, along with credit to the winner.
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Well, here's my 2 cents, Robert. Made with a Tube, Disc and Spline.



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Wow! I wasn't expecting such realism from this challenge. Thanks for stepping it up! I have my own render, that I'll share later. I found it pretty simple and effective, but the fact that you can't render a transparent background through the glass threw me.

Good job Terry!
Thanks Robert. I think realism is easier for something like this, Cheetah does the work for you.

For glass: Mostly taught by Frank.
Add glass material to Disc, Editable, Shell (For thickness). Pull the middle polys at center of Disk (each side) to bulge. Subdivision. Plane in Background (to cover the HDR image). The HDRI Tag should have background switched On. Area light. Samples 45. Shadow on Raytrace+Trans. I think that's about it.



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Nice. I hadn't thought of using a disc. I used a circle and flattened it a bit. Yours is lower-poly than mine and the holder for it looks much better than mine, also.
Add glass material to Disc, Editable, Shell (For thickness). Pull the middle polys at center of Disk (each side) to bulge...
Interesting technique. Personally, I like using the parametric sphere. I only use about 10º of latitude from the pole (parallel from/to option). Perfectly convex. :)
LOL, nice one Uncle. Very clever multi-use tool. I love the render. Does it magnify as you pull out from the map?
Interesting technique. Personally, I like using the parametric sphere. I only use about 10º of latitude from the pole (parallel from/to option). Perfectly convex. :)

I can't say I fully understand your technique Andreu, but I understand the result. That's a much better result if you know how. Mine is convex, but not necessarily a perfect lens.

In the first image, I have it looking over one of my old illustrations. The weird thing is that I keep getting this tiny white dot appearing on the bottom right of the lens. I need a "clean camera lens" function so that I can get that piece of dust off.

I would love to do an animation of the magnifying glass floating over a map or book, but I can't even fathom how long that would take to render.


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Here's my entry. The manuscript is a page of Euclid's Optics. :)
Oh, I ended up using a biconvex lens. It seems to work properly, the magnification is about right.


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Here's my entry. The manuscript is a page of Euclid's Optics. :)
Oh, I ended up using a biconvex lens. It seems to work properly, the magnification is about right.

Please if it's no trouble could you explain how you reached the bicinvex lens?
uncle808us and alessandro, I hope this helps :)
One more thing, the index of refraction for the glass should be 1.52.


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uncle808us and alessandro, I hope this helps :)
One more thing, the index of refraction for the glass should be 1.52.

Thank you Andreu...

I followed your tut but after A,B,C and MakeEdit when I add the Symmetry Modifier it works from a plane parallel to XZ but passing trough the center of the initial sphere; i noticed also that, after MakeEdit and before Symmetry the Transform Manipulator is placed at that center too... sure i miss something stupid but i can't see what it is :confused:




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Thank you Andreu...

I followed your tut but after A,B,C and MakeEdit when I add the Symmetry Modifier it works from a plane parallel to XZ but passing trough the center of the initial sphere; i noticed also that, after MakeEdit and before Symmetry the Transform Manipulator is placed at that center too... sure i miss something stupid but i can't see what it is :confused:


Right. Sorry about that. I think you need to burn transform before applying the symmetry modifier.

Also, make sure you delete the polygons on the flat underside of the half lenses. Then, instead of the whole Cover/Optimize mess, you can use the Bridge command.
Yeah Andreu,
that works great... didn't know it. thank you!

P.S.: this is obviously NOT an entry for the competition Robert... only a wip and that lens is not mine...:wink:



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