Monster Challenge

Monster Challenge

I've done a couple of challenges now and gotten pretty decent responses. My first was a chandelier challenge, which Hiroto won. The next was a cigar challenge, which Frank won. Both winners have been featured on the front page of my CG site,

Now, I've got a new challenge. I read something recently that noted creature development is one of the most expensive areas of the 3D modeling and animation world. Staff numbers increase on projects when creature projects are involved.

So, for this next challenge, the focus will be on creature development. This shouldn't be fast, but that depends on how you go about the project. Thus, I'm not expecting to vote on a winner any time soon (we'll see what shakes out of the trees).


- All modeling and rendering must be done in Cheetah3D.
- Texture work can be your own or something you own.
- Post-editing is OK, but should not be so the main reason the work submitted is stellar (remember, Cheetah3D's capabilities and your talents are the focus).
- Can be animated or still.
- Expected project time: 2 weeks.

Winner's render or animation will be posted on the main page of, along with credit to the winner.

By now, I hope you all have realized the point of this is to drive creativity among the Cheetah3D community here, to promote what a great tool Cheetah3D is to the CG community, and to also promote the talent we have here.
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Great question! If you are creating the displacement map in another app, that's OK.

To implement the displacement, however, and as the intent is to demonstrate the capabilities of Cheetah and the artist, I would say no. Cheetah can implement the displacement map.

I hope this answers the question.
Monster 1

Here you go, Robert. He's part of the family of the other 2 guys. Kind of looks like he's made of plasticine with the sky light.



  • monster2.jpg
    72.1 KB · Views: 1,297

That's absolutely awesome! You're getting quite speedy with this stuff. It's kinda scary, actually. Have you figured out how to rig these suckers to an animated skeleton?

I can't wait to see what the others come up with, also.

That's absolutely awesome! You're getting quite speedy with this stuff. It's kinda scary, actually. Have you figured out how to rig these suckers to an animated skeleton?

I can't wait to see what the others come up with, also.

Thanks Robert. Yes I'm getting faster with each model which is great. Boy, it was so frustrating at first. But I think I've learnt to pay attention to the basic shape I'm looking for first, and not tweaking later and butchering the mesh. As far as animation goes, yes I rig them up with joints, moves them into position and render them as a series of stills in png with clear backgrounds. If I try and make them movies they come out on a black background which is no good to me. Even saving as a series of png's they come out on a black background, which again is no good to me. So each shot has to be rendered individually and put together in Flash for animation.
So each shot has to be rendered individually and put together in Flash for animation.

Good grief TerryG -- render to movie, save using PNG compressor (Millions+). Your alpha will be preserved. If you have QuickTime Pro you can toggle on the alpha in the channel properties. If you don't you should still be able to use the alpha in any decent video editor (or Flash).
Good grief TerryG -- render to movie, save using PNG compressor (Millions+). Your alpha will be preserved. If you have QuickTime Pro you can toggle on the alpha in the channel properties. If you don't you should still be able to use the alpha in any decent video editor (or Flash).

Sorry Podperson, just don't get it. Black backgrounds is all I'm getting. I don't have Quicktime pro.
Here you go, Robert. He's part of the family of the other 2 guys. Kind of looks like he's made of plasticine with the sky light.


Just happened to be doing some image research and found this and was wondering if you did this one or was it your inspiration?


  • freak_alien_creature.jpg
    49.6 KB · Views: 735
Contest About to End

OK, folks. It's been a while and I would like to go ahead and close the monster challenge soon. In about 2 days, I'll begin judging the work. If you have anything to submit, please do so by then. Thanks.
Well, I guess it's that time. I would find it very believable that Terry had the top pic despite the fact that there were no other contestants. He's certainly got the talent for this kind of work. Congratulations Terry, on a job well done!

I'll be posting your render on, along with credit to you. You certainly deserve the spotlight.
Well, I guess it's that time. I would find it very believable that Terry had the top pic despite the fact that there were no other contestants. He's certainly got the talent for this kind of work. Congratulations Terry, on a job well done!

I'll be posting your render on, along with credit to you. You certainly deserve the spotlight.

Thank you Robert. Since it was just me I guess it wasn't hard to win. :) Too bad no one else had a go.