I'm a newbie to 3d

I'm a newbie to 3d

I'm a graphic designer at a major northern California newspaper. The newspaper industry is having a rather rough time right now and my full time status has been recently reduced to call-in/part-time.
:oops: Sorry, didn't mean to whine - Here's my question:
I'm absolutely new to 3D design. Tried Stratus 3D years ago and thought it was OK, but I need something geared more towards a complete beginner like me. Would Cheetah be that product? The price sure seems reasonable. Is there another product out there that I should use to get used to the nomenclature and technique?
I would absolutly suggest C3D as a begining 3D modeler. it has alot of high-end features at a low price and it is really easy to use. i am a beginner too and i have tried many other programs such as c4d and silo and cheetah is by far the easiest to use and learn.

I'm probably a little bit baised since I'm the developer of Cheetah3D but I'm quite sure that Cheetah3D is a good starting point to learn 3D. One of my main goals was always to keep things as easy as possible. Compared to some other apps the learning curve of Cheetah3D should be to steep. Once you now the basic concepts behind Cheetah3D the rest should be self explaining.

But feel free to test the Cheetah3D demo as long as you want. There are no limitations. Just saving to files is disabled.
