Better Scripting

Better Scripting

1) Put scripts somewhere outside the Cheetah 3D directory -- e.g. ./Library/Application Support/Cheetah 3D/scripts/

2) Provide a menu item that opens up that folder in Finder.

3) Provide a menu item that reloads scripts.
An external folder for scripts (somewhere near the C3D prefs?) would be helpful... as it is I have to copy my scripts again with every new release of C3D.

But it might be good to also retain the one in the C3D folder as a way for Martin to continue to distribute scripts with the application. (I've seen this done with template files for other apps). The script menu would then include items from both folders, with um, some strategy for resolving duplicates...

> 1)
already supported. please check ~/Library/Application Support/Cheetah3D/scripts folder

> 2)
I want too. but, you can make it via script with this code
OS.system("open [backslash]"/Users/$USER/Library/Application Support/Cheetah3D/scripts/[backslash]"");

me too, I want some 'force refresh' command.

with current version, you can edit a script with keeping opened, it need not restart Cheetah3D for each editing and testing script. (but, polygon/spline/tag script are required to put again into scene from menu for testing. and don't use 'history back/forward' hot key for testing tool script. )

and from 4.3, script menu is refreshed after open new document. you don't need relaunching Cheetah3D for updating script menu.


tg_jp, Hiroto