Double-click the mode tag...

Double-click the mode tag...

... of an object to toggle its visibility (the 'visible in editor' property).

This would save a lot of time when sorting through a scene with many objects.

(This might not suit everyone, so perhaps there could be a preferences option to set alternative behaviours for double-clicking.)
Visibility in editor or render or both? I think having an actual separate icon to denote visibility which can be clicked to the different states and dragged across (as in Photoshop) would be best (but more work for Martin). In PS you can show/hide a bunch of stuff by dragging across layers in the visibility column.
For me, toggling editor visibility would be most useful, because I often need to switch objects on & off quickly to see what's happening in a crowded scene, and to edit one object without the rest being in the way. (Hiding objects from the renderer occurs less often...)

I suggested the mode tag because currently double-clicking it doesn't do anything... hopefully that would make implementation a bit easier for Martin.

ALSO: if invisible (in editor) objects were greyed-out in the object browser, that would be even more helpful!