Beginner feature request

Beginner feature request


I am a programmer who typically hates modelling! However, I am quite taken by Cheetah3D - nice and friendly, and lets me work on the Mac!

Little feature request:

When selecting objects, could Cheetah possibly take the backface culling option into account?

I am working on game oriented scenes (eg: Doom levels) and it looks like you have to move the camera 'inside' the level, even with backface culling on, before this works properly, otherwise you end up selecting the backface of an enclosing object.

Also, does Cheetah do something weird to the scale of imported 3DS models? I am tweaking levels produced by a co-worker and they end up much smaller after going through Cheetah. However, this may just be my 3DS loader ignoring something somewhere...

But all in all, great product - keep up the good work!
Hi Mark,
thanks that you like Cheetah3D.

You are right the camera has to be in the room. Cheetah3D uses raytracing to select polygons. So it doesn't care about backface culled polygons which is performed by OpenGL.
But your request absolutely makes sense. I've put it onto the todo list. I plan to rewrite the hole OpenGL settings system. Once I'm doing that I will incorporate your request into Cheetah3D.

Cheetah3D scales by default imported 3ds scenes to unit size. To disable that behaviour set the import scale factor of the 3ds loader in der Preferences window of Cheetah3D to 1.0.
If the 3ds scene is very big you might have to increase the far clipping plane value of the camera object.


P.S. Are there plans for a Blitz3D port to MacOS X? :wink:

Yes it's Mr Blitz here! I'm currently working on a 3D module for BlitzMax PC/Mac/Linux and it's going pretty well.

Martin, thanks for the 3DS unit scaling tip and I look forward to improved object selection - although surely this is a tweak to the ray tracer, not the GL stuff?

marksibly said:
I'm currently working on a 3D module for BlitzMax PC/Mac/Linux and it's going pretty well.

Hi Mark,
that's quite interesting. Will the 3D module offer compareable functionality as Blitz3D. Or is that something totally independent.

that sounds great. The screenshots in your forum are quite impressive.

Good luck with your further development.

BlitzMax rules. Period. I've downloaded the demo twice (didn't find much time to try it first time), and it has hidden powers far beyond first impressions when you open the program.

The 3d-extension will make it "complete", and I'll probably get it at the time it comes out. Can't wait. :)
Re: Beginner feature request

marksibly said:
When selecting objects, could Cheetah possibly take the backface culling option into account?

That will work in 2.3.1.
