Cover Tool Problems...

Cover Tool Problems...

It probably me but it seems like most of the time when I use the cover tool I get problems with my models. Then It takes me a long time to find the problems and fix them. What can I do to correct this behavior? Besides stop using the cover tool. Does anyone else experience this? Thanks
It probably me but it seems like most of the time when I use the cover tool I get problems with my models. Then It takes me a long time to find the problems and fix them. What can I do to correct this behavior? Besides stop using the cover tool. Does anyone else experience this? Thanks

I have had issues when I accidentally cover when I didn't mean to but I have not seen issues otherwise. Can you share a screenshot or explain what kind of problems you are seeing when using cover?
If you don´t like the result of your cover&drag action one will better step back (cmd+Z) 2 times; 1 for the drag and 1 for the cover operation. When you just make 1 step back and lost the selection you hardly can select the covered elements once again.
There´s no substitute for the cover-tool in certain cases.

The issue with cover is that it instantly creates new geometry, so if you accidentally do it without performing a transform afterwards you get some null geometry. Frank's point is correct but I'd add that Tools > Polygon > Optimize will eliminate the null geometry if you miss it.
When the "covered" polygons stay in the same spot because you forget to drag or accidentally lost the selection the default settings of the "Optimize"-tool should get rid of double geometry/vertices.
Hi Frank seasons greetings: I have reset from the default. Do you know what they are? Or where I can get the info.
I guess every new file will display the default values as long you don´t have them customized and didn´t make that the new default by clicking the "factory-icon":

... and yeah - Happy Holidays!