Some of my work

Some of my work

I've been trying to get the most out of cheetah 3d, after a few weeks using this program, and I would like to know some opinions about. I've used too Photoshop for the finishing!
P.S. (sorry for my poor english but I'm trying to express myself the best way I can)


  • bottle'n-water.jpg
    72.7 KB · Views: 560
  • cigarrette.jpg
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Your images look very nice:)! Some questions...

1: Where did you get your cork texture?

2: What were your settings on the water?

3: How did you make the ash tray?


P.S. It's okay about your english. ;)

Good work on the glass effect and good texturing on the cork. Don't worry about your english It's probably better than some of the people who have english as a first language!:eek:

PS The Mac has a pretty good translator built in, you could just write it out in your langauge, translate, then cut and paste it into the forum.
Nice work.

I've been trying to get the most out of cheetah 3d, after a few weeks using this program, and I would like to know some opinions about. I've used too Photoshop for the finishing!
P.S. (sorry for my poor english but I'm trying to express myself the best way I can)

Your english is fine. and good job on your renderings.
texture I have used

I've look around in the net for a good cork texture and I've found this one that looks to me pretty good, so I'm glad to share this texture that you can work at UV mapping.
The ashtray begin with a cube, and than I've make it editable and use a Catmull-Clark subdivide, then with 2 cilinders have made the curvature to lay down the cigarretes using Boolean subtracting the 2 cilinders.
About the water, I've look around the internet and I've found this nice effect. Tried hard with lights, choosing a pretty good hdri, and that's it. I'm shure it could be much better, but I'm moving slowly through the 3D universe.
To know something about photoshop, and lights & shadows help me a lot.
Happy you enjoy

P.S. about the translator, it's so bad that is rather difficult to express correctly what I really mean to say, because the translation of text is made word by word, and we lost the real meaning of the text. I tthink it will be better to go on with my away to express in english! thanks!


  • cork.jpg
    139.3 KB · Views: 502
Ah Well! I've only used it couple of times going into english. Thanks for the cork tex maybe I try somthing with it. Hope to see more of your work soon!
