Extrude along a path?

Extrude along a path?

Hey is it possible to exture a circle spline alont a path? to make a rope type thing?
If this is not possible what is the best way to create the same affect?
Im going to use it to make the cord for my ipod.

Yes it is possible.
1. In the four view ports click on front.
2. Go to Tools->Spline->Create spline. Now draw your wire.
3. In the same view port create a circle spline from the Add spline shape to scene menu.
4. From the Add creator to scene menu select Sweep.
5. In the property editor window on the right of the screen drag the circle spline icon onto the sweep icon then drag the spline icon onto the sweep icon. e.g.

Hope this helps :wink:
wow thanks thats perfect!
Now i just have to get the hang of creating a nice wire looking spline, its damn hard lol