Something odd.

Something odd.

Hi all
I have been trying to think of something to do with cheetah, and I was playing around with a cube trying to see the best way to make panel lines etc.

anyway while playing I managed to accidentally an inner extrude on edge, and then i tried it on a point, and played with the cover and normal move etc, here is what I managed to make (see attachment).

Is that expected behaviour? I am guessing it is, but never really thought it would be possible to inner extrude an edge (line) or a point.

Oh, and as an aside, there is a 5.5 beta, but no 5.4? not been paying attention the last couple of months.



  • odd.png
    134.8 KB · Views: 192
Thanks Frank, you learn something new every day.

It took me by surprise. The thing being the cover and normal "shifts" and the inner extrude are not working as I expected, but are working consistently.

Ah cool.
