Model a Plane

Model a Plane

Here's an amazing resource I found linked on the MoI 3D forums. I thought I'd share it and propose a "model a plane" contest.

All entrants receive a free copy of C3D Render Buddy... oh wait, it's already free.

Actually, for bonus points, keep the triangle count under 500 and model a biplane, and maybe we can put together a cute dogfighting game using the entries.


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Dear PP

if you select the model you want maybe s few of us can have a crack at it on post here or direct to you...Actually it would make a good mini competition.

Back to you


...I thought I'd share it and propose a "model a plane" contest.
...for bonus points, keep the triangle count under 500 and model a biplane, and maybe we can put together a cute dogfighting game using the entries.
Sounds like a great idea to me. It'll be a good excuse to model an airplane. Any of the planes shown on your link are game?
good idea PodPerson! ...and thanks for the link, i never saw so many plane blueprint all together!:eek:

I think it's a great idea. I'll be happy to give it a go. I like the second one better, but I do feel it's going to be a bit beyond me.
So, here's my half attempt so far. Long way to go still.


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Nice low poly model Frank -- very tight.

I had some trouble with the blueprints -- front and side did not match properly (even with various rotations of the side view) and some of the details will require a photo reference to understand ... but I haven't even started on landing gear.

This is around 800 triangles if I replace the struts with textured quads, and I can probably shave another 100-200 triangles without losing any real detail, but to really get the poly count down I think I'd want to do the wings etc. using textures.


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Flowerpot -- really really nice stuff -- and an amazingly low poly count. You could save even more polygons and make your model look even better using alpha transparency (e.g. the wheels could look round). I'm thinking of redoing my model with pretty much all the wing detail, struts, etc. done this way.
Flowerpot -- really really nice stuff -- and an amazingly low poly count. You could save even more polygons and make your model look even better using alpha transparency (e.g. the wheels could look round). I'm thinking of redoing my model with pretty much all the wing detail, struts, etc. done this way.

Thank you Podperson, and yes, you're right, I wasn't at all happy with the wheels.

This is a version of the Sopwith Camel, using alpha transparency for the rounded wheels. The texture is rather rushed I'm afraid.

500 tris exactly ;)

Flowerpot: you are kicking ass and taking names :) -- very cool stuff. I need to revisit mine and see how many polys I can shave, and do some texture-mapping.

I assume from your name you have some interest in developing games -- are you a Unity user? I think we could put together something pretty fun really quickly.

On a side note -- I'm really amazed at the response :) -- I guess I'm not the only secret biplane lover.

Now all we need is some WWI era tanks, zeppelins, and some ground decor (e.g. trenches, barbed wire, pillboxes, trees, and farms) and we have everything necessary for some kind of WWI dogfighting game :)

(Or some WWII planes, some Vietnam War planes, and some Gulf War planes and we can do Time Pilot 3D ;-) )
Flowerpot: you are kicking ass and taking names :) -- very cool stuff. I need to revisit mine and see how many polys I can shave, and do some texture-mapping.

I assume from your name you have some interest in developing games -- are you a Unity user? I think we could put together something pretty fun really quickly.

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, I am part of a team developing an MMORPG (Shadows of Nightside), but with a custom game engine, not Unity- unfortunate as it makes the Cheetah3D pipeline a little cumbersome, but the ease of use in Cheetah more than makes up for it :)

I'm just a graphics guy, so not sure how much I can contribute to the 'Plane Game', apart from graphics, but if you, or anyone, wants to use the models, thats cool, and I'll upload them.

Heh, been quite a ghost on these forums for a while, so figured I should start contributing back :icon_thumbup:

On that note, the Polikarpov I-153:

And a big thanks for pointing out this resource, its really quite fantastic.
elastic drive

i think it looks to heavy, but it is too late to slim it down, tomorrow...




LOL now that i've modelled and posted my rubberflash i'm reading the other entries for the first time and realize how i actually missed the conditions - tenfold or something - anyways, consider this not as a contribution for the dogfighting game please :p
Archie... it might be too hi-poly for Podperson's game and a little bit off-topic for the contest but... your model is lovely, i like it soooo much!

great job man (?) :icon_thumbup:

And here's one I had to do for a job. Pretty simple really.



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