environment maps

environment maps

im making a track for a racing game and i want to know how to use an environment map for the background and the sky! how do import one?
if you want to make a backgroud at the momet you have to use a HDRI texture. See the documentation of the HDRI tag to see how to use it.

Loading a normal .jpg as an background (environment map) has a quite high priority on my todo list. I hope that I can add that feature within one of the next updates.

The second alternative if to make a skybox manually. That will work with normal .jpg but it is quite some work. Here are the basic steps.
1. Create a cube.
2. Create 6 "Solid Color" materials and load into each material one image of the cube map.
3. Assign to every side of the cube the appropriate image (material) See the "Material Tag" documentation to learn how to assign materials to single polygons.
4. Now you are almost done. It might be possible that some images must be mirrored. To do that you can use the "UV scale" properties of the Materila tags.

I know that isn't to comfortable but it should work in the meanwhile until I'm done with the .jpg environment map background implementation.
