smooth tool

smooth tool

i desired a smooth tool for cheetah 3d ever since i saw a book called Cool Stufff and how it's made it said :1.Designers start to create a character by drawing an outline called wireframe its easier for computers to work with
flat surfaces than curves blah blah blah...... 2.To make the model look real surfaces are smoothed to take away the angular look of wireframe blah blah blah.........

btw that was the exact text in the book

i'm begging for you Martin, to create a smooth tool!

the book was called: cool stuff and how it's made

blah blah blah is the rest of the process if i put those parts in it would bore the forum
The results:master chief from halo 2
Last Chance.

Can´t find a so named book: "Cool stuff and how it's made". So I gave up here pulling every little bite with a pincette out of you.
I think this stuff you mentioned is related either to nurbs modeling, flash or even worst to Illustrator stuff. Otherwise be more specific.

Here´s the ultimate hint for you building Master Chief:
Good luck.;)

With kindest regards