Cheetah3D 8.0 Public Beta (with native Apple Silicon and Metal support)

Hi John
:mad: I can not reproduce the problem with extensive lagging / jerky redraws when dragging an object.
This is a mildly complex model (DNA replication on the leading strand of a DNA helix), using a window containing 3 panels of the view-port (perspective, left and camera).
Animation - polymerase generates new base elements to build up the split DNA - works smoothly in all 3 panels.
As gsb, I am running an "ancient" Mac with Intel.
I did a screen recording that shows the problem very clearly, but it looks like I can't upload a video file.

I'm not surprised you're not seeing this on an Intel Mac. I never saw this problem on my Intel iMac, and not when running 7.5.1 (Intel) on my Mac Studio. It's just since I updated to Apple Silicon 8.1.1.
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Fishing: Possible that fiddling the parameters in the panel for rendering has some effect on performance of a Mac Studio. I have little / no idea what many of these settings affect, but Frank or Dr Martin could give some advice.
Fishing: Possible that fiddling the parameters in the panel for rendering has some effect on performance of a Mac Studio. I have little / no idea what many of these settings affect, but Frank or Dr Martin could give some advice.
I'm not rendering anything. I use Cheetah3D to create models for use in Unity.
It's not a particular file or window arrangement or action. It's every file every time the view is split. To reproduce: create a new file, add a primitive (e.g., a sphere), split the window into two or more views (e.g., camera and front), drag the object. The object drags smoothly, but updates in the other view lag and the movement is jerky. Sometimes the delays are minor, other times there is a significant lag between doing something in one view and the other view updating. I'm not sure if this has to do with the number of polygons being drawn or the action being performed or whatever.
Thanks for the clarification John.

Same as Helmut – no problems here, on my Intel Mac moving complex objects. Here with the standard four views setup.

Posing the question…

Does anyone else, who _IS_ running an M series Mac, have non-smooth/lagging movement issues with the four view setup?

Sorry John, for not being of any help…

I have an M2 Max Studio and I do get the delay.

The delay does not effect the built in four view setting though so maybe it will be easy to fix.
:sick: Fishing #2: Is it possible that a specific combination, eg perspective + camera in 2 adjacent panels of the view editor generate this jerky processing? That could be easily tested by fiddling the projections of the 4-panel view.
I guess you can alter this view for any experiments unless you save the updated layout.
Sigh, back again with this issue... this weird glitchy green noise when saving out as ProRes 422 (or really anything OTHER than H264) See the attached screen grab. Its doing something with the whites... color gamut? The hard part about saving as H264 is that the color then shifts and doesnt match the next :10 sequence. (of previously rendered ProRes movie)
Helmut, you mentioned something about the Render Panel (attached screen grab) is there a secret button at work here? Really becoming a road block here with my older rendered files.
Hardware: Mac Studio M2 Ultra with 24‑core CPU, 60‑core GPU, Sonoma 14.5


  • proResExport.jpg
    118 KB · Views: 49
  • renderPanel.png
    59.1 KB · Views: 46
and the REAL Concern is that Pro Res 444 is the ONLY render that saves out as Transparent (which is desperately needed)
amber level alert -
OK - so its a Mac Studio M2 Ultra issue. Installed v8 on my iMac Studio Pro with Sonoma 14.5 and rendered my transparent animation as Pro Res 444 and had success. No color glitch. Transparency.
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Reactions: gsb
Have you checked if the PNG-stills show the green artefact already? Go HD/Users/You/Library/Application Support/Cheetah3d/Render History/....
Oh yes - I use those for my storyboards. (PNG Render Still) work perfect. Thats when the alarm bells triggered - when it was time to begin the renders. (Apple ProRes 444)
This folder is interesting.... yep - those PNGs are fine. Awesome.
So what happens here? it renders the single frame PNG and then compiles into the movie?
Hmm... not a great work-flow but I can use these Stills. I will give it a try. THANKS!
((fer sure would like to use my new box - way speedier render times))
Cheetah3d stores animations as PNG image sequences no matter what video-codec you want to use in the end; so macOS generates a video container based on the image sequence under specific compression specifications. And that's probably the crux of the matter. And funny or rather strange is that ProRes and QuickTime are Apple products, but Quicktime cannot display transparencies at all.
Thats Apple for ya - not surprised. I see I have another update to install (not feeling hopeful)
I do wonder if Im missing some special codec update. I did do the full library install - does seem like somethings off.

Now im gonna have a sack-0-files to deal with. interesting that it saves the files starting at zero for each file name