Support for native ChocoFlop format (simple folder with a tiff inside, not much work)

Support for native ChocoFlop format (simple folder with a tiff inside, not much work)

One feature I would like to see is support for using ChocoFlop documents as textures. Yes it is my app, so I am not pretending to be neutral on the issue :)

ChocoFlop uses a bundle based format:

Short version is that support can be added in like 5 lines of code:

If the file has a .chocoimg extension just open the file named 'flat.tiff' inside it. It is a flattened version of all the complex multi-layers file you might have inside.

For example a multi layer file named: MyMontage.chocoimg
just open : MyMontage.chocoimg/flat.tiff

In a very very distant future support could be added for using separate layers (also tiffs inside the folder) and additional information from the xml file. I would recommend against it now since apart from the flat.tiff part the file format might change in the future (hey, it's an alpha app forever you...).