Five disks. One material.

Five almost identical Particle Meshes are stacked up. All five Particle Meshes share the same reference mesh, a 6 X 4 plane, and they also share a single material. The camera is set for Orthographic projection, camera light off, using the Cheetah renderer.

Particle Mesh:

The five Particle Meshes’ reference disks are spaced apart on the Y axis at 0.0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, and 1.0.

The top three meshes’ reference disks have Particle Tags that vary the scale of the particles. The scaling variations were determined by trial and error.

The reference disks’ radius sizes were also determined by trial and error together with the scaling variations.


The single material connects an Instance – Random node, a step Gradient, and a Solid shader. The step Gradient allows you to choose more saturated colors. Without it, connecting the Instance Random node directly to the Solid node generates relatively dull default colors.

The Particle Meshes’ Particle orders are set for Random, with the Random seeds set at 12745, 12746, 12747, 12748, and 12749. This shifts the colors, appearing as cocentric rings.




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