How to.. join splines so they're one object

joel ruiz c

Active member
I retraced my logo because the designer gave me a mess and it was unusable in C3D, so here's what I've done. Now I want this to be a single spline object so I can extrude and bevel it, but I haven't found a way to do so, I'm sure I'm missing something very simple, please help.


  • Captura de Pantalla 2019-09-07 a la(s) 20.37.39.png
    Captura de Pantalla 2019-09-07 a la(s) 20.37.39.png
    57.9 KB · Views: 257
Traced where? If in a vector app use PDF as a spline container or make 1 compound path of it and save as SVG. You can "Merge" spline objects inside Cheetah3d of course.
