F-Curve Controller.js - v7+ only
It's a tag script to control other object's f-curve with attached object's f-curve. available only v7+.
its parameters are almost same as F-Curve Linker.js..
tag index: -1 means attached object, and if 0/1/2.. means index of tag ( usually 0 indicates mode tag of attached object)
parameter: select which parameter you want get to control
p.name: if you select 'other' at parameter, you can input parameter name manually. in case you use material parameter, it will be 'material.[node id].[parameter name]'.
get for: which value you want to get from Vector value ( x / y / z, h / p / b )
check parameters: you can check parameter's name of current settings ( you can check [node id] with this button )
target object: target object to be controlled
target tag index/target parameter/target p.name/set for/check target parameters: same as above, but for target object.
formula: you can input formula manually as javascript, it should contain v character as get value. for example.
multiplied by 2: v * 2
divided by 2: v / 2
sine: Math.sin(v)
floor: Math.floor(v)
tg_jp, Hiroto
It's a tag script to control other object's f-curve with attached object's f-curve. available only v7+.
its parameters are almost same as F-Curve Linker.js..
tag index: -1 means attached object, and if 0/1/2.. means index of tag ( usually 0 indicates mode tag of attached object)
parameter: select which parameter you want get to control
p.name: if you select 'other' at parameter, you can input parameter name manually. in case you use material parameter, it will be 'material.[node id].[parameter name]'.
get for: which value you want to get from Vector value ( x / y / z, h / p / b )
check parameters: you can check parameter's name of current settings ( you can check [node id] with this button )
target object: target object to be controlled
target tag index/target parameter/target p.name/set for/check target parameters: same as above, but for target object.
formula: you can input formula manually as javascript, it should contain v character as get value. for example.
multiplied by 2: v * 2
divided by 2: v / 2
sine: Math.sin(v)
floor: Math.floor(v)
tg_jp, Hiroto
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