SVG Path Help

SVG Path Help

I've been around Cheetah3D for a while - but have not developed my skills very well.

I have a small project - and can't seem to figure it out. Im sure there is a solution - but it is beyond me.

I have a logo that I bring into C3D as an SVG. When I do, it drops it in a SVG Paths folder - with 500+ individuals splines. I wanted to extrude the logo - bt I can't seem to find a method to do this - without making 500+ individual extrude objects and individually dropping each spline into a new Extrude.

Is there another way to do this?

Thanks for any help!
If you take 499 of them and make them children of one and then "import children" you'll get a combined spline. Throw away the children and now you have all 500 in one object. (Just like polymeshes, kind of.)

BTW: why is this under scripting?