unwrapping a cube...

unwrapping a cube...

Just a simple question: when I have a cube and want to lay out all 6 UV polys, how can I do that fast and accurat?

The main problem is that all 6 UV polys are stacked on each other.

Do I have to choose every single UV poly, scale it down, and finally arrange all 6 polys?

I tried using the UV mapper tool, but the UV polys are still overlapping when choosing cubic projection...
Simplest method:

Make cube.
  1. Objects > Make Editable.
  2. Switch to edge mode.
  3. Select all.
  4. Selection > Automatic Seams
  5. Switch to face mode.
  6. Select all.
  7. Tools > UV > Unwrap UV

Better method:
  1. Objects > Make Editable.
  2. Switch to edge mode.
  3. Select all.
  4. Selection > Automatic Seams
  5. Select every edge on the top face and one edge on the bottom.
  6. Selection > Toggle Seams
  7. Switch to face mode.
  8. Select all.
  9. Tools > UV > Unwrap UV

Add a baking tag, and use its properties to layout the uv's by assigning it to UV1 and clicking create.