Bevel tool question

Bevel tool question

I want to bevel a 90 degree corner so that all facets of the bevel are equal, extending equal distances on either side of the corner. As indicated in the picture, the bevel is always proportional to the sides of the cube. The square on the left has the desired bevel, the next to the right gets stretched. The middle one has a ring cut, the next is disconnected, and the one furthest to the right was pulled out. In every case the bevel tool ignored any changes after the first resizing of the cube. What is the trick to control the shape of the bevel?


  • bevels.jpg
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Most likely your meshes are no longer 1:1:1 in scale. A reset can be done with the coord-system tool. Can you check this before we proceed?

That's it.

Thanks Frank. I stretched the original box using the Move/Scale/Rotate tool and the ruler to get the dimensions. I should have typed them into the properties X-Y-Z.

What I just learned from you was to use the Burn Transform tool in the Coordinate System. Just as you expressed it, I didn't know how to "reset" the dimensions.

Very helpful.