Trying to fix a script for gimp?

Trying to fix a script for gimp?

I know I'll probably get blasted for posting here. But I don't know any other scripting geniuses.

Well I got this script for exporting from Gimp to Anime Studio but don't know how to edit it: Is it a Capital O or the number 0 ? do I use a space before it?
Could some one look at the script file and tell me what to do. Thank you.

This is what the instructions say.

This problem can be solved by simply adding 0 inside of the parentheses of the first variable/term/whatever you want to call it for each time let*:((..... insert here) appears in the script.

let* : ((flnm) (p) (w) (h) (s) (img-name) (img-name-raw) (ln ""))

let* : ((flnm 0) (p) (w) (h) (s) (img-name) (img-name-raw) (ln ""))
If anyone is interested in this thread here is the answer and the fixed script this guy from the Anime forum was of great help to me.
"Try my file here:
Maybe your browser will append .txt at the end of the file, if so just take that extension away (in finder "get info" on the file and delete the .txt extension, that's it)

Well so much for that problem sorry if I upset anyone with this thread.