Lines in Render

preference |ˈpref(ə)rəns|
1. a greater liking for one alternative over another or others: a preference

Don't ever question me over the use of a word.

Advantages and disadvantages of JPEGs:

- high controlled degree of compression. The user independently selects the ratio quality/file size;
- small file size;
- format is compatible and it is displayed correctly in any browsers, text and graphics programs, on all computers, tablets and mobile devices;
- suitable for full-color realistic images with a lot of color and contrast transitions;
- picture quality is high with small degree of compression.

All these features provide tremendous popularity of the format.

I use jpegs because I send my files to many friends and a lot of them have PCs and jpegs make it easy for them to open them. Do you have a problem with the way I do the things that work for me?

Pod is just being clever - you can't prefer jpeg over png if you don't know anything about png. You know? From what I read, he knows image file formats (as do I) and it is doubtful he meant any serious insult to your workflow.
-- shift studio.
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Pod is just being clever - you can't prefer jpeg over png if you don't know anything about png. You know? From what I read, he knows image file formats (as do I) and it is doubtful he meant any serious insult to your workflow.
-- shift studio.

Why not? I prefer life over death, and I've never experienced death.
Why not? I prefer life over death, and I've never experienced death.

Never having experienced something and knowing nothing about it are somewhat different. I've never been shot but I do know enough about it to prefer not to be.

It's not a complicated distinction.