Text & logos, Safe title & Area

Text & logos, Safe title & Area

Please excuse the greener than green questions, but all I want to do is start out real basic. I would like to set my scene with 4:3 or 16:9 "safe title & safe action" markers. Type in some text, extrude, play with some materials. then spin, tumble, slide, fly in and out of the text. Maybe not all at once, but I think you get my point. I need a simple way to produce 3D text and logos for video and Cheetah sure seems to be an easy product to learn. One of the things I really need is my screen orientation so I know where my text is starting and how to get it ti end up where I want it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Steven :D :?
for creating the 3D text you could check out the 3DText example files which come with Cheetah3D.
To set up the right output resolution or ration enter the output resolution into the "resolution width" and "resolution height" properties of the camera object.
If you select the active camera object you can see two thin grey lines in the 3D preview which mark the area which will be seen in the final render. So position just your object between these lines and everything should work fine.

I hope that I could help.



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