Bug or no bug?utterly confusing

I posted in both threads as I though it would be of interest for both forums.

Every time you change an import setting in Unity and reimport the model, Unity is using the fbx exporter from the original 3D aplication you have used (Cheetah3D in this case). If the fbx export settings are changed, Unity reads the new parameters and uses them in the importing process.

And keep in mind that if you have position keyframes for the bones in your animations, a scale change will usually deform the model as yours was.
Hi GusM,
thanks for finding the source of the problem. The export scale factor shouldn't be changed in Cheetah3D if you work with Unity. Since FBX seems to work in cm (although I never found that documented anywhere) the export scale factor should be kept at 100.

Just for curiosity now. Doesn't a reimport of a changed model reload the model from scratch or is is more an incremental reimport? What surprised my a little bit was that just the bones in the neck of the dino were deformed but the rest looks OK.

Once again thanks for your help.

N.p., Martin, it is allways a pleasure to help.

About reimporting a model, Unity keeps track of all the changes you make to a model so if you add him other components, like scripts or physics elements, and then you modify the model in a way that is related to the stuff you setled up inside Unity, you can get undesired effects back in Unity again. I guess this was happening to the Dino Prefab, as it had some more stuff involved which was messed up when changed the import scale. It is very usual to get those deformations (and even worse) when you add or delete bones (or change the size and apply the scale change) after importing and using the model in Unity. And it happens also with other aplications.
Martin if we are not to manipulte the fbx scale without huge mega disasters please remove the option to change it?

this has been a gigantic timewaster on a seriously ridiculous scale.

If I change my export scale to 100 for fbx every cheetah model Ive made in the last 6 months is screwed. If I get my client to change to scale =1 every other model he's made with cheetah is screwed

We arent even using fbx

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Hi Targos,
changing that behaviour is not possible since it would mess up all the Unity projects of users who worked with a wrong export scale factor. Although I don't believe many users changed the FBX export scale factor. But there might be still some others and I don't want to risk messing up their projects.

Considering Unity has an default import scale factor of 0.01 the default export scale factor in Cheetah3D of 100 make sense. Also since FBX seems to use cm as units while Unity or Cheetah3D use m.

You can now either finish your current project with the wrong scale factor which should be no problem as long as all members of the team use the from scale factor. Or one of your team makes the work to change the project to the correct scale factor.

But once you start a new project you should use 100 as export scale factor.

In general I think having options to control an exporter is a good idea. In the special case of the command line converter which Unity uses a fixed export scale factor would have been better. But now it is to late to change that, even although it would be just a single line of code.

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About reimporting a model, Unity keeps track of all the changes you make to a model so if you add him other components, like scripts or physics elements, and then you modify the model in a way that is related to the stuff you setled up inside Unity, you can get undesired effects back in Unity again. I guess this was happening to the Dino Prefab, as it had some more stuff involved which was messed up when changed the import scale. It is very usual to get those deformations (and even worse) when you add or delete bones (or change the size and apply the scale change) after importing and using the model in Unity. And it happens also with other aplications.

thanks for the explanation. It's good to know that for the future.

Well Kudos to Gus, this man saved not only the day, but the dino, a lot of grey hair on my head, and probably an entire game being built in Phoenix Arizona. Dino is alive and kicking, and we're all the wiser.

Thank you Gus.
User Belseth is the driving force behind this:


I've just coded up an inventory, Third person control system, Health Prefabs, Stinging Nettle Prefabs,
Dino AI, and a buch of other stuff like random spawn etc, so when its all implemented, it should be a lot of fun.

Was a good game to work on, now that dino is not pancakeasourus or gianormusourus
