16-bit Renders?

16-bit Renders?

Is it possible to render a 16-bit image? This would be very handy when post -processing files in PS. It seems a shame to throw out image information if it's available. Is this possible and/or would it make a reasonable feature request?

you can save to HDR files. They are not 16-bit but 10-bit high dynamic range. But to save to HDR files you first have to check on the "chache HDRI" property in the render preferences.

But I plan support for openEXR files which support 16bit.

you can save to HDR files. They are not 16-bit but 10-bit high dynamic range. But to save to HDR files you first have to check on the "chache HDRI" property in the render preferences.

But I plan support for openEXR files which support 16bit.
Thanks, Martin, that's great! I'll check it out.
When you render to .hdr files, is the gamma that you set in Render Prefs ignored, for a proper gamma 1.0 HDR file?

When you render to .hdr files, is the gamma that you set in Render Prefs ignored, for a proper gamma 1.0 HDR file?

No, that is a bug. At the moment I export gamma corrected although it shouldn be linear. It will be fixed in 4.6.1.

But the gamma value in the render preferences will still be used to de-gamma colors and textures. So that value still has some influence on the final linear HDR image.

Thanks for that answer, makes perfect sense!

Might that 4.6.1 update also add OpenEXR support?

I love that Cheetah has such a technically correct and artistically easy method of dealing with the whole gamma thing. Well done.

What's doubly amazing is C3D is so technically correct and yet produces great output without needing to read proceedings of the ACM's graphics SIG.