Modifier to a group

Modifier to a group

Hello All,
Had a question about modifiers. Is it possible to add them to a group? I have modeled an object with multiple layers and would love to be able to use an array to duplicated over and over again. But it seams I can only add an Array to individual objects instead of the group that it is in. Is it possible to add the array to the Group?

collapse group

I think you must collapse the group by adding children (dragging each object to the one above it then choosing it.) then go to tools import children. then deleting the orginal. Not sure if you can import more than one at a time. sorry.not very clear sorry.
I gotcha, i still would like them to all be separate objects so i added the array to the individual objects. Would be a nice feature to be able to add things to groups though. Ill pop this under feature requests.