F-Curve editor. Bezier manipulation.

F-Curve editor. Bezier manipulation.

I'm sure theres a simple solution but can anyone tell me why I am unable to manipulate the beziers in the f-curve editor when animating objects? I can highlight the bezier but when I click it, it just turns black again and will not move.

Any suggestions?
to move the tangents you don't have to click onto the tangent endpoints. You have to drag them with the mouse.


Thanks Martin

I'm sure this was what I was trying. Anyway, this time it seems to work.

Thanks for your help.

Are all parameters animatable?


I'm having trouble with exactly the same issue as in these posts, when I attempt to animate "visible in editor" or "visible in renderer". Turning them off and on at keyframes works fine...but what I would like to do is ease in and out, so that the animated item slowly appears / disappears.

I try to drag, but the handles turn black...I've watched the movie, and can't reproduce the behavior with the "visible" parameters. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

sorry but you can animate the "visible in editor" property with splines since it is a boolean property which can be either ON or OFF. It's not possible to give it values in between.

To blend in a object you can for example animate the transparency property of the Material shader. That should work.

Thanks -- and a follow up question

Thank you, Martin.

Have a clever idea for this situation? I would like to have the ease-in/ease-out visibility applied to an entire folder (which in turn contains other folders), so that I don't have to go through each item in the assembly separately.

Thanks for your thoughts -- and a great program.
if you want to fade out a hole folder you could also render the scene once with the folder and once without and perform the fading withing a movie processing app. I think that is also a very common practice in big animation productions.
Sorry but I think you can't make that with Cheetah3D directly yet.
